Android Set-top Box Lies about Its OS Version, Comes Pre-infected with Malware

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Cheap Android set-top boxes are being sold by criminals, which either pre-infect devices with malware or have malicious code delivered via an update. Set-top boxes are quite popular: our device intelligence data shows that they made up over 2.4% of all new connected devices on home networks in 2023-2024.

Recently, a report on Doctor Web focused on the Android.Vo1d malware, which has infected at least 1.3 million devices, while Alex Turing (QI-ANXIN) exposed a set-top box botnet in operation since 2018 on Virus Bulletin. Last year, Linus Tech Tips even published an entire video discouraging consumers from buying these devices.

From the criminal’s point of view, targeting these devices makes sense. A typical set-top box is always connected to a power source and the Internet. Thus, running malware on it has benefits: the code doesn’t need to be optimized, as power use will not alert the owner, while the device can be used as a residential proxy, a bot in a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, or allow criminals to hack other devices on your home network, as well as steal passwords or other sensitive information.

Vo1d Disclosure Raises Suspicions

What caught our attention was this table from Doctor Web together with the following sentence:

“For example, the users who contacted us have models that are based on Android 7.1, despite the fact that for some of them the configuration indicates much newer versions, such as Android 10 and Android 12. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for budget device manufacturers to utilize older OS versions and pass them off as more up-to-date ones to make them more attractive.”

A screenshot of a two-collumn table from DoctorWeb that lists three TV box models and their declared firmware version. While all three models in the table (named R4, TV BOX, KJ-SMART4KVIP) show the same Build called NHG47K, they show different Android OS versions: 7.1.2, 12.1, or 10.1.

Why is this interesting? First, Build/NHG47K means it is running Android 7.1.2. This suggests someone changed the Android version information in the Android config files but did not even bother to change the build code. What makes things even more interesting is that there is no official Android 10.1 version.

Looking at Android Firmware Dumps

To find out more, I looked for a similar device to purchase.

Screenshot of an AliExpress product page for a MXQ PRO 4K Smart TV Box. The specification table lists the OS version as Android 11.1. The text of this row is not only bold, it's also red, as opposed to the rest of the text, which is black.
Note: I did not highlight the Android version in the screenshot, it was done by whoever created the product description and wanted to boast about it having Android 11.1. Which, again, does not exist.  

While waiting for the set-top box to arrive, I found dumps of similar firmware online when searching for strings RK3328-BOX_7.1.2 and RK3229_MXQ_5G.

I used unblob to extract the images and look at the build.prop file. This is where I found something sketchy.

Here is a legit build.prop file from an Android 7.1.2 set-top box. The information here is consistent.

# begin build properties
# autogenerated by 7.1.2 NHG47K eng.user.20180319.225151 test-keys年 03月 19日 星期一 22:51:51 CST

And here’s how a different set-top box firmware image looks like.

# begin build properties
# autogenerated by 11.1 NHG47K年 12月 07日 星期二 16:09:10 CST

The Android version information is allegedly different (11.1), but the security patch date is the same one from 2017  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . As I’ve already mentioned, Android 11.1 was never released, but 11.0 was released in September 2020. By manually checking the files of this “newer” image, I was convinced that it was still running Android 7.1.2.

But let’s not draw conclusions from firmware images downloaded off random Internet websites.

Getting Hands-on with an Android Set-top Box

A photo of the Android TV Box. It is black, called MXQ Pro 4K. It shows some hardware specifications that are not relevant to this article.
Finally, the Android set-top box had arrived.

I believe the following photo is enough to confirm my suspicions.

A photo of the TV scree that shows information about the TV box: the OS version is shown as 11.1, but the Android security patch level is from August 5, 2018. The Kernel version shows that the build is recent: August 7, 2024.
Again, the set-top box shows a non-existant Android version (11.1) and a security patch date that precedes the release of Android 11.

So, I just connected a device with a non-existent Android version (11.1) and six years old security patches. But hey, at least it has a recent build date – I was not expecting that.

Getting Root Access

The next step was to root the device, which was easy – as it was already rooted.

A grainy photo of a device's screen that shows a green check mark with the following text: Congratulations! Root access is properly installed on this device!
Sorry for the photo quality. I have reasons.

Warning: Rooting an Android device turns off certain security features. Thus, malware has a better chance of taking over the system or accessing confidential information.

My next step was to get a root shell.

Accidentally Bricking the Device

Unfortunately, I did not enable ADB before I installed an app, and the device is now stuck in boot, with the boot to recovery button not working. Perhaps the criminals realized it was bad for business to allow people to install their own firmware on the device.

This is as good a time as any to remember the No 1 rule of hardware hacking – always order three devices, not just one.

Malicious Activity Infrastructure Seems Segregated, Location-based

Threat actors appear to be segregating their set-top box infrastructure by market. For the one highlighted by Doctor Web, our telemetry shows that Western markets are barely affected, with their focus primarily on Asia.

In the case of Bigpanzi, their activity seems concentrated in Brazil. Additionally, there have been reports of malicious actors targeting Western markets by using access to pirated content as the main lure. There are subtle indicators that it could be the same threat actor, or at least some parts of the code are being reused, suggesting a coordinated effort.

A chart that shows data from August to October 2024 with connections to malicious domains: meiboot[.]com, bitemores[.]com, catmore88[.]com, catmos99[.]com, 6f33933ce4a5c9e1b32fea736a61351a[.]com
The latter domain is the only one active until mid-September, where other domains spike in activity.


Product descriptions of cheap, no-name devices might lie about their Android version. I was able to order a new device which had 6 year old security patches – and vulnerabilities. What’s even worse, these devices might come pre-infected with malware.

If you are not comfortable with letting a stranger in a black hoodie sit in your living room and use your Wi-Fi, maybe, just maybe, you should not be comfortable with using these devices.

A generated image of a hooded computer user with a Guy Fawkes mask sitting with a laptop in a family's living room, a puppy beside him. In the background, an adult man, three children and a black dog are playing and having fun. This image is here for comic purposes.

Appendix – Set-top Box PCB Layout

Other posts by Zoltan Balazs

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