Win a PS5 at Our Speed Hacking CTF @ Hacktivity

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If you like CTF games, you will have the opportunity to try your skills at the Hacktivity conference!

On Friday, find the QR code at the event for the qualifier, which starts at 20:00.

The top two participants will compete in the CUJO AI SPEED HACKING COMPETITION finals starting Friday afternoon at the HackCenter (Dome).

Seven easy-medium difficulty web challenges must be solved in less than 90 minutes to win the CTF. The audience can follow the CTF in real time because the participants’ screens will be displayed on a projector. Two commentators will spice up the competition to make things even more exciting. The first one to solve all challenges (or the most challenges) will win a PlayStation 5!

Bring your web browser + intercept proxy to hack. We will also be able provide a Kali jump box, accessible via browser (noVNC).

We prefer you have both an Ethernet and HDMI connectivity.

Questions and answers

How can I prepare for the quals? 

You have to know how to use a web intercept proxy and be fast.

How can I prepare for the competition?

In the finals, it is helpful if you have experience with all the games in a Nokia 3210. Also, you have to know how to use a web intercept proxy.

Where do I find the rules and ToS? 

We will publish it on the quals page when the quals start.

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