Key Capabilities

Packet AI

CUJO AI Engine processes packet level data to extract salient features to identify, classify and inventory connected devices and their associated operating systems, accessed content, used applications, security threats and vulnerabilities, privacy. It primarily utilizes supervised learning and reinforcement training algorithms.

Predictive AI

CUJO AI Engine utilizes unsupervised learning and reinforcement training techniques to identify patterns in correlated data to proactive develop insights on operational issues and marketing opportunities.

Sage AI

CUJO AI Engine builds threat knowledge by ingesting multiple threat and security feeds and models them into a single set of ML algorithms. It also monitors and models IoT devices to understand normal behavior, enabling it to flag zero day threats.

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CUJO AI Platform

Cloud and edge software that captures, processes, curates, and acts on network data


Monitors data and enforces policy at key points in the network


Acquires, processes, and stores vast quantities of collected data